

  • 8
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 河北省 衡水 安平县 安平镇 王各庄村 河北安平城东工业园
  • 姓名: 刘彦博
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:农业 农业用具
  • 发布日期:2022-10-16
  • 阅读量:291
  • 价格:50.00 元/平方米 起
  • 产品规格:130*30
  • 产品数量:9999.00 平方米
  • 包装说明:
  • 发货地址:河北衡水安平县安平镇王各庄村  
  • 关键词:移动苗床厂家,养花苗床,苗床价格


            Mobile seedbed now greenhouse vegetables are more and more widely used, and our demand for mobile seedbed is also growing, its use of longevity directly related to our greenhouse longevity, so we must be careful in the selection of materials. First of all, we should determine the size of the seedbed we need according to the area of our greenhouse. On the selection of the size of the seedbed, we have professional technical personnel to tailor the scheme, which can make full use of every inch of available space in our greenhouse. By calculating the standard of moving seedbed and the placement position, make a reasonable arrangement.
    通常标准为 丝径4.0mm/3.0mm 
    Excellent low carbon steel wire is selected as the raw material.
    The design width of the seedbed is 1.4m, the length is 38m and the height is 0.75m. There are 4 groups in each span, with a total of 24 groups
    The column and crossbeam of seedbed are made of 40 × 30 × 1.5mm rectangular tubes. The edge of aluminum alloy is used around the bed surface. All materials of mesh are hot-dip galvanized.
    The standard wire diameter is 4.0 mm / 3.0 mm
    Mesh 120mm × 25mm130mm × 30mm 50mm × 50mm
    Size: 1.9m × 4m
    Dense grid structure (20 mm × 120 mm), beautiful mesh surface, stronger strength
    Welding technology: new reverse welding technology, mesh welding more solid, welding head in the warp line one by one single point welding, more hours.
            In addition, attention should be paid to the selection of materials with good corrosion resistance, compression resistance and bearing capacity, and the mesh of moving seedbed should be welded. For the fixed mesh of mobile seedbed we use, we can organize the active mobile seedbed production line when selecting, and select multi head spot welding machine. The multi head spot welding machine can deal with most of the problems encountered in welding. It includes some functions such as steel bar straightening, mesh active electric welding, and cutting different mesh pieces. This can be used for our seedbed mesh re connection It provides a great convenience.
    欢迎来到安平县华耀农业设施工程有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省衡水安平县河北安平城东工业园,联系人是刘彦博。 主要经营我们的产品主要有:育苗床、苗床网、养花网、植网床、花架床、花卉苗床、育秧苗床、温室苗床、育苗穴盘、移动苗床、简易苗床、固定苗床、活动苗床、镀锌苗床、苗床配件 、防腐蚀苗床、观赏花网片。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司主要供应农业产品,有移动苗床,潮汐苗床,固定苗床等,我们拥有优良的技术,优质的产品,健全的售后服务,令客户没有后顾之忧;如果您有意向购买我公司的产品,请在线留言或者来电咨询。